Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Blog

I have been using a blog on my website but it was created myself. So now I am starting it out on an acutal BLOG. So here is my first post......

I have a new blog :). A couple of the last comments made on my other blog are here:

2/26/11 -
Revealing Udders
 With just 8 weeks left for Padme and Panda to kid, Padme has started producing an udder. Quite a nice start too, she is producing a larger udder than I would expect this early on, I hope that means she will have a nice udder when full. Panda does have a little poofy udder but nothing to noticeable yet. But Posha has 9 weeks to go and she also has a poofy udder and it has been poofy like that for about a week so I am anxious to see when she starts to actually fill in. Baby Bellies are still small on Panda and Padme but Posha has a large wide belly and she is 1 week behind the other two girls. I am going to make a guess and say I think Panda and Padme have singles and Posha has twins. But we will see soon.


Another Addition to our herd
We just purchased a new buck. We would like to welcome CH Rockin-CB KV Headliner to our herd. He has many titles including 2010 All American and Supreme Buck, and 2009 All American Reserve 3+4 Year old Buck. He has outstanding general appearance and we are very excited to see what he produces on our does out of Gambit. With the combination of Gambits strong Dairy character, and strong milkers, and Headliners excellent overall appearance we should have some outstanding offspring in the near future. Please check out Headliner on the bucks page.